Tusk Zi:Kill The whole I want to write from now on is totally come from my thought with my heart which I would like to present them in wording for a long time, but I'm afraid that some may think I am talking big! By the way, I'm currently fearless to do as my intention after I have listened so many many times and it's now for me to show you the reality of the vocalist of Zi:Kill - Tusk's Deep Voice.
When I first listened to Tusk's Voice, it looked like someone played his strong magic to me not to do anything just only listen to Tusk's Voice. And, I could do nothing indeed but only listened to his magic voice. Normally, when listening to a song, I usually listen to all musical instruments as well as the vocalist. However, in the case of Zi:Kill, I accept that I forgot to concentrate to others except for Tusk's excellent voice. Although, I've heard that Zi:Kill's musicians were all superb but I forgot them because of the magical power from Tusk's voice. Moreover, his voice also makes me think nothing like I am in a rapture. Additionally, his voice can make me as if I am in his incantation until I want to only listen and listen to him. As well, some songs make me like I am listening to the voice from the heaven such as these songs: slowdown, fly, calling, touch me, Mr. Market, kiss me goodbye, night call, woman is pig, Paradise, and Hysteric, etc. As well, the most wonderful combination is when I hear his pleasant voice as well as his magical dance!
In conclusion, I dare to say that the vocalist of Zi:Kill-Tusk's voice is full of excellent power, wonderful beauty, great amusement, fantastic enjoyment, eternal perfect with a vividness which can easily make his listeners to go with him all the time. I may say that this is the Real Miracle I have got.
The whole I want to write from now on is totally come from my heart which I would like to present them in wording for a long time, but I'm afraid that some may think I am talking big! By the way, I'm currently fearless to do as my intention after I have listened so many many times and it's now for me to show you the reality of the vocalist of Zi:Kill - Tusk's Voice.
When I first listened to Tusk's Voice, it looked like someone played his strong magic to me not to do anything just only listen to Tusk's Voice.And, I could do nothing indeed but only listen to his magic voice.Normally, when listening to a song, I usually listen to all musical instruments as well as the vocalist. However, in the case of Zi:Kill, I accept that I forgot to concentrate to others except for Tusk's excellent voice.Although, I've heard that Zi:Kill's musicians are all superb but I forgot them because ofthe magical power from Tusk's voice.Moreover, his voice also makes me forgot everything like I am in a rapture. Additionally, his voice can make me as if I am in his incantation until I want to only listen and listen to him. As well, some songs make me like I am listening to the voice from the heaven.
In conclusion, I dare to say that the vocalist of Zi:Kill-Tusk's voice is full of excellent power, wonderful beauty, great amusement, fantastic enjoyment, eternal perfect with a vividness which can easily make his listeners to go with him all the time. I may say that this is the Real Miracle I have got.
Additionally, I dare not to say that Tusk since in Zi:Kill was very very Good Looking until made all girls/women's hearts melt. This is because people may think I'm a GAY, even though it may be, ha ha!
If I have time, I will write about my ideas of the other musicians in Zi:Kill, TOO!