I like the one of L'arc en Ciel better. A lot more fun.
Seeking to touch as many people as possible with his immortal tale of woe, lost innocence, and reincarnation, hide wrote the short story "Seth et Holth", a completely factual and historically accurate account of his life as the Ægyptüsian god Set. In the story which is actually pretty good, Set and Horus (that's Holth) are constantly reincarnated time after time to this world of anger and confusion where they lose their innocence and are visciously killed. Seeing his divine word spread, hide then decided to make a movie out of his short story with fellow Jrocker TUSK. The movie predated the Matrix in the use of scrolling green computer text and trilobites. The movie although visually intriguing and possessing of at least 100 examples of mad hot fanservice, is not as good as the short story due to the inclusion of rape. The only spoken word in the entire movie is "yamete!"